Thursday, September 4, 2008

Today in the Garden

Labor Day has come and gone. The kids are getting ready to go back to school (2 of them anyway). And I'm going to have some time to get back to my garden. In the spirit of not taking on more than I can reasonably handle, I've decided to not rip out every plant, pot it up in better soil, redesign the whole bloody yard, spend oodles of dollars on new plants, and replant (none of which would actually happen you know!) and tackle one project.

Moving my houseplants into more shade in preparation for bringing them inside.

It's a project that should take all of, oh, 2 minutes since I only have 2 houseplants out there this year. The others, well, they just never made it out of the house this spring. Maybe I'll run them under the hose to wash off the summer "ick" before I wash them down with insecticidal soap and bring them back into the house. I skipped this step one year and ended up with a house full of whiteflies. All it takes is one year of random bugs flying around your house during Valentine's Day to remind you that 5 extra minutes this fall will save LOTS of time cleaning this winter.